I can't take all the credit for this one - my husband figured out all the spacing and sizing of the pictures. He's more technical.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sample Christmas Cards
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
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Friday, November 7, 2008
Baby Eskimo
I love this little girl. Her and my baby are only 3 weeks apart and they are best friends. In fact at the shoot, they gave each other a big hug and fell over! It was funny. Jennifer, here is a sneak peek - and your Proofs CD is ready!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Fall Leaves
I started a new exercise regime - yesterday - but so far I'm 2 for 2. It's all about getting out of the house for an hour or two and walking. So yesterday I just got out of the house, took a walk up to one of my favorite parks (yes, uphill, it's supposed to be exercise). I got to the park and relished in the beautiful morning. The clouds were half full and blocking a bit of the sun casting the perfect light over the green landscapes. There was a Swiss flag, cows behind it, and Lake Zurich with the snow-capped Alps as a backdrop. To my dismay, I left without the camera. I decided to just take in the beauty and once I got home, I'd return with the camera.
Well, that did not happen until today. I knew then that I had missed the shot but I was hoping for the same forces to combine. Unfortunately, the sun blared and the cows were in a different pasture and hazy clouds covered the Alpen backdrop.
However, it made me focus on other beautiful things. The Fall Leaves. I love fall pictures, they are great for Christmas cards. If you want family photos or kid photos taken with the leaves, call me.
This one looks like I took it on a cold, almost icy winter's day. This was Auto WB.

These two look warm, like Thanksgiving dinner. And today was warmer than it was cold. This better represents what it actually looked like and it has a "homier" feeling.

This one I played with in Aperture afterwards. I upped the contrast and black point.

Here are some shots from a few days later of my sweet baby girl

Oh, and to everyone sitting at home reading this, I challenge you to get outside today or tomorrow, with your camera, and enjoy nature.

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Thursday, October 9, 2008
Danny & Rach
About a month ago, Erin and I met in Rapperswil to get the kids pictures taken. It's such a picturesque little town. With a little bribing, Danny and Rach put up with me for over an hour. I loved the door we put Rach in front of and how Danny is scratching his bug bite on his arm in half the shots! And I'm so glad Rach brought her pink scarf. It's so girly.
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Little Ben
He was such a happy baby, which made taking pictures easy. Eva and I did the shoot over two separate days since we decided to try out a few new things. I'm so glad, I love the way the 2nd set turned out although there are some good ones from the first as well. I'm really excited Eva is taking up photography as a hobby now. Let's go shoot!
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Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sunday Afternoon
I love this Catamini sweater and so I put together this outfit for church. With the bright pinks and the contrast with the brown, I couldn't resist a little photoshoot around the neighborhood while daddy took a little siesta. I just got back from vacation and I did two shoots before that so more to come!
I kind of like that it's crooked. I put it straight and then took it back to this. What do you think?
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Friday, September 5, 2008
Baby Chloe
I swear my baby was never this little. And she would never let me position her tummy like Chloe did. She is the sweetest little girl and so beautiful. It would probably be funny for an outsider to see me and Jessi trying to create a studio out of the basic things she had in her house. I'm so sad they are leaving us! Here's a sneak peek Jess!
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